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Depatment Secretary: Sara Parnassa
Room 4507, Humanities Building
Tel.: 02-5883965

Department Chair: Prof. Eviatar Shulman
Email: | Tel. 02-5882898

Advisor to BA Students: Dr. Yonatan Moss
Email: | Tel. 02-5882388 

Advisor to MA Students: Prof.  Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony



Dr. Ian J. MacCormack

Ian Maccormack
Khyentse Foundation Lecturer in Buddhist Studies

Ian Maccormack received his PhD in the Study of Religion from Harvard University, with a dissertation on Buddhist cosmology and theology in the early modern Tibetan Buddhist state. Before moving to Jerusalem, he was the Shinjo Ito postdoctoral fellow in Buddhist Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. His research centers on the cosmopolitan intellectual and social environment of early modern Tibet, especially the role of Buddhist thought and practice.

His broader research agenda extends these studies of Buddhism in the early modern Tibetan state, especially with respect to topics such as literature and ritual.He is also researching related topics such as the literary and social dimensions of speechmaking in Tibetan Buddhism.