Research | The Department of Comparative Religion


Faculty Stuff by Research Fields

  • Photo by Jose Luis Sanchez Pereyra of a Buddha


    Eviatar Shulman, Ian McCormack

  • Photo by Hasan Almasi of three women


    Hannelies Koloska, Ronit Ricci

  • Photo by Mick Haupt of a Jewish text


    Naphtali Meshel

  • Photo by AXP Photography of acient wall

    Ancient Egypt

    Racheli Shalomi-Hen

  • Photo by Paul Zoetemeijer of stained glass


    Yonatan Moss, Brouria Biton-Ashkelony, Karma Ben Johanan, Ronit Ricci


Jack and Lewis Rudin and Jack Driscoll Visiting Professorship

Since its inception in the 1999-2000 academic year, the Jack and Lewis Rudin and Jack Driscoll Visiting Professorship has made possible the invitation of outstanding scholars in the field of religious studies to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem under the auspices of the Department of Comparative Religion. The goal of the lecture is both to advance the study of religion within the framework of the Hebrew University and to expose the wider Jerusalem community to the role of the University in the study of diverse spiritual traditions.