
Photo of a Buddha statue by Dave WeatherallMaster's degree studies allow the student to deepen his knowledge of a religious tradition in which he specializes, along with enriching the encounter with the methodological and theoretical aspect of the study of religions, while being exposed to teachers and fields from other departments. Students with adequate achievements and a suitable background (including the source language) will be invited to study in the research track and complete the degree by writing an extended seminar paper that prepares them for advanced research.

We offer a two track M.A. program. Students can choose between a research track (with an additional research language) that includes writing one seminar paper and submitting a thesis, or a theoretical track which includes writing two seminar papers. For more information, see here (in Hebrew). For a list of courses offered this academic year, see here.

*Studies are conducted in Hebrew but there are several courses in English. It is possible to write seminar papers and M.A. theses in English. For details about Hebrew studies, please contact Mrs. Orit Krakover, Head of the Department for Overseas Students: oritk@savion.huji.ac.il.