Contact Us

Depatment Secretary: Sara Parnassa
Room 4507, Humanities Building
Tel.: 02-5883965

Department Chair: Prof. Eviatar Shulman
Email: | Tel. 02-5882898

Advisor to BA Students: Dr. Yonatan Moss
Email: | Tel. 02-5882388 

Advisor to MA Students: Prof.  Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony



Dr. David Satran

Office hours: by appointment (On sabbatical leave March 2017-February 2018)

I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation under the direction of Prof. (emeritus) Michael Stone on early Jewish and Christian exegesis of the book of Daniel and from its completion (1986) the Dept. of Comparative Religion has been my academic home at the Hebrew University. My teaching touches on different aspects of the history of Christianity with an emphasis on the period of the early Church.

In addition to extended periods of chairing the Department, it has been my privilege to serve as the academic director of the Division of Graduate Studies of the Rothberg School fro Overseas Students, the Center for the Study of Christianity, and “Amirim”, the Hebrew University undergraduate honors program

My fields of research include Philo of Alexandria and Jewish Hellenism, Origen and early Christian rationalism, and the relations between philosophy and religion in Late Antiquity. My new book examines the nature of the teacher-student relationship in the school of Origen in Caesarea as part of a larger ancient literary and educational pattern.