Contact Us

Depatment Secretary: Sara Parnassa
Room 4507, Humanities Building
Tel.: 02-5883965

Department Chair: Prof. Eviatar Shulman
Email: | Tel. 02-5882898

Advisor to BA Students: Dr. Yonatan Moss
Email: | Tel. 02-5882388 

Advisor to MA Students: Prof.  Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony



Mauricio Lapchik Minski

Lapchik Minski

Mauricio Lapchik Minski is a graduate student at the Department of Comparative Religion and he is currently working on his master´s thesis on “Church and State in Medieval Ethiopia During Sayfa Ar’ad’s Reign (1344-1372)” under the supervision of Prof. Steven Kaplan. His research focuses mainly on Ethiopian Medieval History and Ethiopian Christianity.